3 Effective Offline Marketing Tools For Your Brand

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When you think about it, digital marketing looks more practical than traditional media. Compare the price of a billboard to an online ad, and it becomes clear that going online is cheaper to execute and has more reach.
But how many of these online views actually get converted into sales? This is one of offline marketing’s strengths. It’s been around for so long because it is effective at generating quality sales leads. Not only that, but they also increase brand trust, visibility, and awareness.
Here are three offline marketing tools you should consider for your brand:

1. Events

Events have no equal when it comes to building brand trust. According to market research, consumers are 96% more willing to purchase a product if an event gave them a positive experience. To do this, an event must communicate a key message about your brand to the audience.

The more this message connects emotionally to a consumer’s life, the better the impression it can leave. Making an impact in a real-world event also boosts your brand awareness online. If they enjoyed the experience, people are more likely to share posts about it on social media.

Design your event with shareability in mind, from the set design to the promo materials. See to it that the same fundamental message about your brand is communicated. Events can also create brand advocates. These are individuals or groups of consumers who loved your event and are happy to share the experience with family and friends.

This can grow your network exponentially. So how can you maximise the effect that brand advocates can have? The next offline marketing tool can provide some answers.

2. Promo Products


Everyone loves giveaways at an event. These can be an effective marketing tool for brand visibility. They can be distributed to your target demographic and can have powerful results. In fact, market research tells us that promo products can leave 2.5 times more positive impressions than digital ads can.
As long as it carries your brand logo, custom promotional products can be anything from pens to power banks. Take advantage by choosing products that your brand’s consumers can really use. The more useful your promo product is, the longer they will stay in a consumer’s home.

Without them knowing it, your brand can stay on the top of the minds of consumers. Another thing you can do is make multiple designs of the same product depending on what appeals to your demographic. This can only make the brand experience better if they can choose which design to take home.

3. Billboards

Nothing catches attention better than a good old-fashioned billboard. It can get a lot of views in the real world and can target different demographics at the same time. They are also cheaper than commercials most of the time, so consider using a billboard for marketing.

It is something most people do not look at intentionally, but it can break the monotony of a long drive. It is best to make it entertaining, something curious or funny to look at. If it’s catchy enough, it can get shared online by motorists.

Do not discount the fact that your billboard can trend without you intending it to. A catchy slogan can make people remember an ad for a long time even after it is gone. A billboard also helps you stand out from the competition and tells consumers that you are a big player in your industry.

Use it for a significant announcement for your brand, especially if you have a new product coming out.

Real-World Results

These three marketing tools have been proven effective at raising brand awareness and visibility, as well as directly leading to sales. Marketing trends come and go, but letting people interact with your brand has worked for decades. Make these tried and tested techniques part of your marketing arsenal today.

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