Does Roasted Coffee Stimulates All Human Senses? Find Out Now

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Have you ever been in the mood for a hot cup of coffee, but were too busy or your espresso machine was broken? If so, it can be frustrating when you don’t have time to run to the store and pick up some roasted coffee beans. Roasted Coffee Beans are known to be the best to drink unlike instant coffee or frozen coffee. They have a wonderful flavor and are blended with many different flavors. That is why it is important to get your hands on some roasted coffee beans before they are out of stock.

Roasted coffee is one of the most popular drinks all over the world. It is believed that coffee stimulates all human senses. However, there are some people who don’t like coffee. They think it is too strong and bitter for their taste. But, is it really true? Let’s find out.

All 5 Senses Stimulated with Fresh Roasted Coffee

Here are the different senses stimulated by freshly roasted coffee.


The taste of coffee depends on how well the beans were roasted and on how they were ground into powder. Water should not be added to freshly roasted beans because it may interfere with the flavor of the beans. Too much water can make the flavor of the beans too weak and sour tastes.

Bathing is sometimes required but it depends on the type of roast that was used. For example, a dark roast requires more washings to remove bitterness than does a light roast. Freshly roasted coffee powder is ground using a mill with bronze or cast iron blades.

The grind can be adjusted to the fineness of the powder and the amount of non-soluble solids contained in it. For example, espresso requires a fine grind, while a French Press uses a coarse grind. The choice of coffee beans and how they are ground affect the flavor of freshly brewed coffee.


Aroma is another sense of smell that is stimulated by freshly roasted coffee. Aroma is not affected by brewing methods such as drip or percolation but by grinding style, bean variety, and storage conditions after roasting. The aroma of coffee is sensed by the olfactory epithelium.

This epithelium is made up of two types of olfactory receptors: the V1R receptor and the V2R receptor. If a person smells freshly brewed coffee, the V1R receptor is activated first. However, when a person swallows coffee, the volume in their mouth increases and activates the V2R receptors.

When both sets of receptors are activated, this creates an even richer smell than when one type of aroma was activated at a time. Coffee beans have 2% essential oils in them and when they are roasted, essential oils are given off from pores on their surface. In order for this to happen, the beans have to be roasted slowly. Aromas from coffee beans have been used in medicine as an analgesic and anticonvulsant.


Like Sight, the taste and sense of smell of freshly roasted coffee are stimulated by hot water. When a person sees a freshly brewed coffee cup, it can bring back memories of the first time they tasted it. The color of freshly brewed coffee is black but can vary from light brown to dark brown depending on how long the beans were roasted.

Brewing methods and additives such as cream and sugar affect the color. This is why some people prefer their coffee black because then they know that no artificial dyes were used to make the color of their freshly brewed cup of joe look better than it really is. A glance at your favorite coffee shop. Then, assess the color of their coffee. Some shops may use a dark roast while others use light.

Roasted coffee beans come in a variety of colors that are mainly determined by the roast level (or time and temperature of roasting) and the type of bean. Beans left to roast longer become darker in color and have more oils on the surface of each bean than those roasted for less time or at lower temperatures. Roasted coffee beans that are burned using high temperatures become very dark brown in color, giving them an almost black appearance


The aroma is not the only thing that is stimulated by freshly roasted coffee but also sound. When freshly brewed coffee is placed on a table, it makes a pleasant and steady sound that varies from cup to cup. The sound of freshly brewed coffee varies in different ways depending on how hot the water was added.

Coffee that has been brewed with boiling water is weak and cools quickly, making the sound almost nonexistent. However, coffee brewed with cold water remains warm for a long period of time, allowing for more complete brewing and a louder brew


Touch is the last of the senses to be stimulated by freshly brewed coffee. Caffeine is found in freshly roasted coffee beans. This chemical affects the body by stimulating nerves and muscles. As a result, it can make a body feel as though it is getting a boost of energy or act as a depressant (calms nerves down). The amount that caffeine affects one person can range from that effect on another person.

What makes freshly roasted beans different from others?

It is believed that roasting coffee beans is the best way to get the best flavor and aroma out of the beans. Coffee beans are either washed or unwashed coffee cherries that have been picked, dried and roasted. Since there are so many different ways in which coffee can be roasted, it is important to choose a roaster that uses the most beneficial roast for your coffee needs.

The main difference between freshly and pre-roasted coffee beans is the number of times they were roasted. Pre-roasted coffee has been roasted once and not dried as thoroughly as freshly roasted coffee. pre-roasted beans are often purchased from bulk producers.

These producers are able to pre-roast the beans immediately after roasting, which allows them to meet client demand for fresh coffee with little cost to the consumer.

Freshly roasted beans have been dried at least 2 to 4 times before being packaged for shipment. More frequent drying of the beans increases their shelf life and helps them withstand storage better. Four or more drying cycles help decrease the loss of oils, tannins, and bitterness from freshly roasted coffee by concentrating off-flavors during roasting while maintaining a rich complexity during brewing.

How to preserve the freshness of freshly roasted coffee?

When a coffee roaster is roasting beans, the beans are not fully exposed to oxygen. This helps prevent the natural breakdown of coffee oils that is caused by exposure to air. Conversely, stale coffee can cause the oxidation of fats and oils around the beans.

Freshly roasted beans lose moisture at a rate of about 0.15–0.20% per hour during roasting and at this rate of loss, roughly 25% of the total oil will be lost within 8–10 hours (approximately 80% loss after 14 hours).

Preventing air contact during storage also minimizes coffee flavor degradation during aging. Coffee that has been an airtight package can also be stored long-term. Airtight packaging will provide a reduction in oxidation and degradation by as much as 85% over the next year. When coffee is packaged in regular packaging, there is an increase in levels of dihydrochalcones, with an increase of 160% after 24 hours and a 300% increase after 48 hours.

Drying the beans immediately after roasting will also help keep oil loss to a minimum and preserve freshness. Drying coffee at room temperature, or wrapping it in cloth for five minutes before cooling it down to room temperature will help prevent moisture loss.

Coffee that is stored at a temperature of 4–6 °C will not lose moisture easily and should be used within 3 years. Beans stored at a temperature of 0–2 °C can last for up to 5 years. Beans stored at temperatures below -18 °C are considered to be in long-term storage and under these conditions they can last indefinitely. So, as a general rule, the colder the storage temperature, the longer the coffee will be preserved.


Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world which makes it an important part of most people’s daily lives and culture. A Cup of Coffee has many health benefits and the three main components that give coffee its bitter taste are: caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid.

These two acids have antioxidant qualities that help to protect cell structure and cells from premature aging and damage. Coffee also contains high amounts of magnesium which helps to relax blood vessels, thus lowering blood pressure levels.

Each roast color has a completely different flavor as well as aroma due to the different times and temperatures of roasting. Keeping coffee stored at a cold temperature or in an airtight container helps to keep the freshness of coffee beans for long periods of time.

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