How to Deal with Hair Thinning in Singapore: Tips from the Pros

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Losing your hair is a traumatic experience for both men and women. It can be difficult to cope with, especially if you are not sure how to deal with hair thinning. Fortunately, professionals can help.

This blog post shares tips from the pros on how to deal with hair thinning. We hope that this information will help you feel more confident and empowered as you work to overcome this challenge.

hair treatment

1. Understand the Causes of Thinning Hair

The first step in dealing with hair thinning is knowing how common this condition actually occurs among all populations and genders. However, women are more likely to be susceptible to its effects on mental and physical health.

In one survey in 2019 among women in Singapore, 44 percent considered this as their primary beauty concern. It is particularly bothersome for women between 25 and 44 years old. This sensitivity to hair loss might be due to social expectations placed on females.

Meanwhile, the chances of experiencing androgenic alopecia or male-pattern baldness could reach 20 percent among males between 20 and 30 years old. The incidence rate then increases by 10 percent every decade.

Thinning hair happens for many reasons. It could be due to poor nutrition, illness, or psychological stress. You might also have a family history of hair loss and balding patterns.

2. Explore Treatment Options

Treatment options for hair thinning include both medical and surgical interventions. If you are seeking a more holistic or natural approach, your doctor might recommend supplements such as biotin, saw palmetto, and beta-sitosterol to promote healthy hair growth.

Prescription drugs like minoxidil and finasteride can also be used to treat androgenic alopecia. They work by blocking the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which causes hair follicles to shrink.

However, these treatment options might not be suitable for everyone who suffers from hair thinning or loss. This is why some men and women consider surgical interventions like a hair transplant. One of these is the follicular unit extraction (FEU) wherein donor hair is taken from the back of your head and then transplanted to areas that need restoration.

FUE allows you to have natural-looking results since it follows the direction of existing hair growth. Plus, there’s no linear scarring left behind compared to other techniques.

There’s also PRP hair restoration therapy. This type of treatment uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which comes from your blood and contains proteins called growth factors. These can help your body regenerate lost hair follicles by stimulating the cells involved in hair production while reducing inflammation around them.

3. Care for Your Scalp

Hair thinning could be due to poor health and nutrition. If you suffer from this, learn to take care of your scalp so that new hair can grow healthier and stronger.

Brushing your hair every night will stimulate blood flow in the follicles while removing dirt that may have accumulated during the day. You can also use a scalp massage to improve circulation and encourage hair growth.

Be sure to shampoo regularly and use a conditioner suited for your hair type. Avoid using harsh chemicals or styling products that might damage your scalp or hair.

If you have dandruff, be sure to treat it with an anti-dandruff shampoo. You may also wish to see a doctor if you have extreme dandruff or itchy scalp that could be related to other health conditions such as psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.

4. Handle Your Hair with Care

Another way to take care of your hair is to handle it with gentleness. Avoid excessive brushing, tugging, or pulling on your hair. This could lead to hair breakage and further thinning.

When you do style your hair, use a wide-tooth comb and be gentle when detangling. Apply a small amount of conditioner to the ends of your hair before combing.

Be sure to let your hair air dry whenever possible instead of using a blow dryer. If you have to use a blow dryer, use it on low heat and avoid pointing it directly at your scalp.

5. Embrace the Change

While it’s always best to seek medical treatment for hair thinning, you can also practice healthy stress management. Engaging in moderate exercise, eating a nutritious diet, and getting enough sleep are just some of the ways you could support your overall health and well-being.

If all else fails despite receiving treatment from a doctor, you can always embrace the change. Consider wearing wigs or donning a hat to give off a different look. You can also learn to be proud of it. More men and women find bald people sexy and smart.

If you are concerned about your thinning hair, talk to an experienced doctor who can help diagnose the root of the problem and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. Remember that hair thinning is a common condition that affects both men and women. There are many ways to treat it, so don’t be afraid to seek help.

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