Rules Rule: Do’s and Don’ts When Decorating Your Living Room

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Decorating a living room seems easy, but once you have the empty space right in front of you, you’d realize that making things pretty isn’t quite as effortless as it appears to be. In fact, a lot of homeowners don’t even know where to start. What’s good about interior design is, as long as you know and follow the rules, you can pull off an aesthetically pleasing space. That said, take note of these do’s and don’ts as you give your living room the facelift:

Do start with a focal point

Every room has to have a focal point, the element in which people’s eyes would be drawn to, the second they enter the space. Think of it as the star of the room, in which all the other elements will be built around. In the living area, the focal point is more important because you want to create a good impression instantly for the guests.

Often, focal points are already present in the house’s architecture. Case in point: windows. Salt Lake City interior designers say that it’s worth emphasizing these fixtures because it usually offers great views, making for a good visual feast for guests and creating that wow impression. Besides, it’s where people’s eyes naturally travel to when they step inside a space. If you have large windows in your home, arrange all the other furniture around it to highlight it.

Don’t push sofa against the walls

Living Room

Now, that you know where to place the furniture, you just have to be wary of little details, like spacing and pathways. Never ever push the sofa close to the walls, except of course, if you have limited space. In general, you want the sofa to have a breathing space around it. Otherwise, you’re leaving a huge empty space in the middle of the room. Not a very good idea for a warm, homey atmosphere.

The same principle applies to all other elements. Observe proper spacing. You want to create pathways where it will be easy for people to navigate the area. A good rule of thumb in making sure that there are enough spaces in between furniture is to try to sit, stand, and move around each corner of the room. If you find yourself stumbling on to something, it’s a sign to move furniture.

Do use accessories

Accessories make the living room more alive, as they help create the atmosphere. Invest in high-quality rugs. If you have a big living room, these will define the little pockets of spaces in the area.

If you have a small room, these can add to the atmosphere of warmth in the place. Use throw pillows, too. Just keep it to a minimum. You don’t want to overcrowd your sofa that people won’t be able to sit down without removing them. Art pieces are also good accessories. Hang them at the farthest wall from the entrance of the living room, so they can be easily seen by guests coming in.

Don’t overlook natural light

Natural light is important in the living room since you’re creating a warm, cheery vibe for your guests. Make the most of your big windows, but use the proper window treatments so as not to overwhelm the space with too much natural light. Shutters are good fixtures for light control.

If you want a more high-tech option, go for motorized shades. If you’re after sophisticated aesthetics though, floor-to-ceiling drapes are the best choice. Consider installing skylights in one corner of the room. This will add an interesting visual element in the space, at the same time, usher in more light. Place mirrors opposite windows so the light gets reflected.

It’s a tough job to decorate the busiest, frequently seen section of the house, but if you stick to the rules, you’re all good. Remember these do’s and don’ts as you revamp your space.

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