Public Health Conditions That Surged in the Middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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COVID-19 is unlike any other crisis we have faced so far. It has taken millions of lives already, with more people who suffered the wrath of the virus. While vaccines are out and different organizations working hard to control the virus, many of us can’t help but worry about the health and safety of our loved ones.

Social distancing, lockdowns, and other extreme measures indeed played a huge role in reducing the spread of the virus. But then, many other health conditions surged in numbers as we navigate the crisis. Here are five examples of public health issues that continue to get worse in the middle of the crisis:

Mental Health Disorders

Experts say that it is only normal to feel anxious when facing uncertainty and other things that can potentially cause harm. The current Covid-19 pandemic, however, made most, if not all people anxious about their own health and safety. Since the virus is too small for our naked eyes to see, this makes it impossible to control.

Studies show that the number of people suffering from mental health challenges increased during the pandemic. Anxiety, stress, depression, substance use, and even eating disorder cases increased. These affect not only essential workers but regular consumers as well.

The good news is, today’s technology is helping consumers get the diagnosis and treatment they need to fight back. For instance, those suffering from eating disorders can start their road to recovery by finding the right professionals online. With internet research and recommendations from their trusted doctors, finding someone who specializes in creating recovery plans for anorexia nervosa, and other eating disorders is now easier. You can also choose a trusted anorexia recovery center for a more holistic treatment.


Bruxism refers to a condition wherein people unconsciously clench, grind, or gnash their teeth, usually during sleep. This can cause pain, discomfort, chipped or loose teeth, dull temple headaches, and sleep distruption. During the Covid-19 pandemic, more people are reportedly suffering from bruxism.

There are generally two types of bruxism. Awake bruxism happens when you are conscious, and is usually due to stress, anger, anxiety, tension, or frustration. Sleep bruxism, on the other hand, is sleep-related.

During the pandemic, many people experience isolation, unemployment, and changes in routine. Experts believe these changes cause bruxism cases to surge. Dentists are working hand-in-hand with their patients, young and old to stop bruxism from ruining their oral health.


It seems like more people are getting headaches due to the stress related to the crisis. But for some individuals, the crisis made their migraine worse, more persistent, and longer. There are also more new cases of people suffering migraines in the middle of the crisis.

The usual reason is the major disruptions caused by the pandemic. It changed the way we live, work, play, socialize, and handle our finances. Loss of jobs, getting sick, having a loved one lose their lives to the virus is simply too much to take in.

Healthcare professionals work hard in helping their patients develop a migraine recovery plan. While there is no definite way of curing migraine, physicians, neurologists, and specialists are now offering virtual health consultations and distance treatments to treat migraine patients at home. Those who are willing to try other migraine treatments like botox are advised not to skip such treatment to avoid things from going out of hand.

Legionnaires’ Disease

Experts are finding a more severe form of pneumonia called Legionnaires’ disease in some parts of the world. Any species of Legionella bacteria can cause Legionnaires’ disease. One can get sick after breathing in small droplets or swallowing water contaminated with Legionella bacteria.

The crisis made us isolated at home, causing water to stay stagnant in commercial buildings, humidifiers, and even HVAC units that closed during the crisis. The buildup of Legionella bacteria is waiting for unsuspecting individuals who are starting to come back to the office. This water-borne disease can cause serious complications like respiratory failure, kidney failure, as well as septic shock.

Thankfully, there is a way to avoid Legionnaires’ Disease. It helps to manage plumbing systems in commercial buildings to avoid the growth of Legionella bacteria. As for pneumonia patients, it won’t hurt to test them for Legionella just to rule out the diagnosis.

This goes to show that aside from Covid-19, there are other health conditions people should be aware of. The items on the list are just four health conditions that increased in numbers in the middle of the crisis. Knowing what these are will help you better understand that you are not alone and that there are things you can do to manage your symptoms.

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