Why It Matters to Have a Hobby You Are Passionate About

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There should be a huge part of our lives dedicated to our hobbies. Whether it’s cooking, scrapbooking, organizing, knitting, painting, etc., these hobbies should have a special place in our lives. We do not have to look far to know that our lives are stressful enough that hobbies can make them a little bit more bearable. Hobbies bring joy and enrich our lives. They take our minds off the everyday stresses and just let us be. We are fortunate we live in a time that allows us to pursue our hobbies.

Even career women who juggle both their family lives and jobs can easily carve an hour or two to pursue their hobbies. What do you enjoy doing the most? It could be as simple as enjoying being a personal matchmaker to your friends and hosting dinners or doing artwork or designing your room. It all boils down to awareness. Now more than ever, people are aware of what a lack of hobbies can do to one’s mental health.

Relieves Stress

Your hobby should be something that takes your mind off your worries. They should be something that you enjoy doing. Hobbies have the power to relax your mind. These aren’t associated with your work, so they trigger your creative spirit. They aren’t tied down to chores or responsibilities, which allows you to enjoy them more. They do not pressure you to be anything but yourself. That’s one of the greatest gifts of having a hobby—it allows you to just be you.

Makes You More Interesting

Do you know why hiring managers like asking potential employees what they do for fun? The answers give them an insight into these people. Who are they? What do they love doing? What do they do when no one is looking? It allows the hiring manager to see these people as more than what their resumes say about them. What people do for fun tells a lot about who they are.

Helps You Become More Patient

When it comes to hobbies, odds are that there’s a learning curve. During the first few days or even weeks, you’ll only have a grasp of the basics. But because you enjoy doing it so much, you’ll pour hours into it. That will help you be more patient, and it also increases your mental focus. Hobbies allow you to zero in on one task at a time. If you are learning how to knit, you’ll give all your attention to the basics until you have mastered them. This is something you take with you to work and other aspects of your life.

Boosts Your Social Life

If you love cooking, you’ll invite friends over to try your new recipes. You’ll organize parties and get-togethers. You’ll want to socialize because food is about sharing it with people. This creates a bond with others. You may even swap recipes of peach cobblers and other dishes. You can organize a cook-off or a potluck party where everyone can bring their specialty. Hobbies create a community of like-minded people.

Increases Self-esteem

When you have a hobby, chances are that you are good at it. You spent so many hours learning its intricacies that at the end of the day, you have a good grasp of what it is and how to do it right. Over time, you develop a sense of pride in yourself. You are able to do something right that most people don’t know how to do. Excelling in anything is a major self-confidence booster.

Reduces Boredom

Are you finding yourself lacking the motivation to do anything lately? Are you bored? Perhaps, you’re burned out because of work? Hobbies help reduce boredom and break the routine. You can look forward to the weekend because you can spend time doing your hobbies again. That feeling energizes you to finish the week strong.

Improves Your Knowledge

learning new languages hobby

Hobbies improve your knowledge and development. If you are into gardening, you’ll find yourself reading more about plants and nature. That gives you a new appreciation for the environment. It increases the chances of you getting active in the fight against global warming and climate change. Understanding the impact of your choices on your hobby might prop open more doors that were otherwise not there.

So how does one find a hobby? You have to continue trying. When you find that a hobby seems “work” to you, forget about it and move on. Find another one that you can connect to. Your hobbies are supposed to be fun. They should spark joy in your life. It shouldn’t feel like you have to do it. Rather, you want to do it.

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