Things that You Should Never Say to a Grieving Person

Grieving person
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Understanding the feeling of grief is not as easy as it seems. We feel sad when grieving over something such as a devastating breakup, the death of a pet, and more. Words cannot express the amount of pain you are feeling due to the loss of someone important to you. More so, knowing the fact that the one you lost will never come back again.

Adding to that pain is seeing the name of that person or pet on Ogden headstones. No matter how painful, it will serve as a reminder that they existed and gave your life a purpose. Of course, you want that memory of that loved one preserved for eternity.

Support for someone who’s grieving

There is nothing more painful than losing a loved one. People grieve differently. Some can move on with their normal lives even though the pain is still there. On the other hand, some people spiral into depression and end up being unproductive for some time. Nonetheless, we can play an essential role in their healing.

One way is how we compose the right words to say to the one who’s grieving. If you think that it’s easy to give words of assurance, you might actually have a hard time. Worse, you might say some words that won’t even help with their grieving. That leaves you with some dilemma of how you can give comfort to someone without offending him or her.

What not to say to someone who’s grieving

Choosing the words to say to someone grieving can be a little tricky. To give you an idea, here are some things you should NOT say to a grieving person:

“Are you okay?”

The answer is no. Why ask this when the person lost something essential to his/her life? Some would answer, “I’m fine,” but the truth is that they’re not. Instead, you can acknowledge the pain they’re feeling during that moment. Say something like, “It’s painful right now for you” and let them grieve at that moment.


“At least they’re in a better place now.”

So does this mean the deceased was not in a good place when they were still alive? Kind of offensive, depending on how the grieving person will perceive it. It also downplays the pain the person is feeling during that moment. Instead, you can say “I am so sorry for your loss.”

“Heaven gained another angel. He/she is in God’s hands now.”

First of all, your religious beliefs might be different from the one who’s grieving. Even if you share the same opinions, it can make them question his/her faith in God. Instead, you can say that you will include the person in your prayers and hope that they will overcome this trying time in their life.

Saying the right words at the right time is not that easy, especially to those who are grieving. In such moments, they don’t need fancy words and Biblical quotes – they want the pain to subside and move on to their normal lives. But as a good person, you can only assure them of your presence and be there to help them carry on.

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